How to proceed

If you intend to configure a device proceed as follows:

  1. Read the "Device Configuration" section of the Device User Manual.
  2. Populate the General User List, if you intend to specify device users.
  3. If you intend to use custom alarm messages, populate the Alarm Message List.
  4. Set the optional default parameters on the "Application Parameters" form.
  5. Create a new Device configuration.
  6. Edit the device main parameters.
  7. Select the device users.
  8. Set the digital input alarm options and operation options.
  9. Configure the scale and alarm options of the analog inputs.
  10. Configure the optional counters
  11. Configure other channels, as SDI-12 and MODBUS, if available.
  12. For ADU-700 and ADS-xxx RF end nodes configure the Profisens IOT network
  13. For SCOM-100 configure the main and expansion units.
  14. Set the data logging and data transfer parameters.
  15. Connect a device and verify communication.
  16. Send the configuration to the device.
  17. Verify the configuration settings using the Device control panel.

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