How to proceed
If you intend to configure a device proceed as follows:
- Read the "Device Configuration" section of the Device User Manual.
- Populate the General User List, if you intend to specify device users.
- If you intend to use custom alarm messages, populate the Alarm Message List.
- Set the optional default parameters on the "Application Parameters" form.
- Create a new Device configuration.
- Edit the device main parameters.
- Select the device users.
- Set the digital input alarm options and operation options.
- Configure the scale and alarm options of the analog inputs.
- Configure the optional counters
- Configure other channels, as SDI-12 and MODBUS, if available.
- For ADU-700 and ADS-xxx RF end nodes configure the Profisens IOT network
- For SCOM-100 configure the main and expansion units.
- Set the data logging and data transfer parameters.
- Connect a device and verify communication.
- Send the configuration to the device.
- Verify the configuration settings using the Device control panel.
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