Applications for Smartphones & Tablets
ARC-10 Application
An application is available for IOs smartphones & tablets with GSM capability. It provides a user friendly interface to send commands to the ARC-10 GSM controller and receive alerts and data via SMS from the unit.
The application features two operating modes:
- Administration mode for the setup and configuration of several remote devices
- Control mode for everyday operations and functions, such as remote control and real time monitoring
You can switch between the administration and the mode, swiping your finger on the left or right.
WaT, Web aided Telemetry Application
An application is available for IOs and Android devices to connect to our cloud based web server for telemetry applications. The WaT is a modern IoT server that supports all of Infinite’s devices as well as few 3rd party devices. The server is a host for multiple clients and user accounts allowing seamless 24/7 unmanned device telemetry with centralized data management.
The application offers :
- Measurement data overview & device monitoring
- Data charts
- Alarm information
- Geographical location of devices and live GPS data if available
- Device information
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Emergency Warning Board
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Courtesy of Itron , USA