Setting the Device parameter defaults
Click on the 'Device' Tab:
Read the "Device Configuration" section of the Device User Manual.
Selectable parameters are:
Status messaging parameters:
- Status message period in [min]. For example: 10080 minutes = 7 days.
- Wait period in [sec]. Range: 0-255 seconds.
- Include Signal Quality: yes, no.
- RTC Correction [Nr. of Status Messages]: Period for sending an RTC correction SMS.
- UTC Time: Use of Coordinated Universal Time with offset parameter.
SMS Transmission & Alarming
- SMS Transmission attempts: 1-255
- Retry delay [sec]: Delay between attempts in seconds.
- Include Signal Quality: yes, no
- AI alarm dead band [%]: in percent of full scale, 0-5%
- Merge Alarms: Send concurrent alarms in one SMS, yes, no.
Other Parameters
- Purge Logs after a number of Data send attempts.
- Battery Gauging Off or Enabled.
- MODBUS Baudrate 9600-115200.
- MODBUS Protocol: ASCII or RTU
Click on the 'Apply Parameters' check box to use the parameter defaults on the Device configuration forms.
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