This document is dedicated to the ADS-270 LoRaWAN unit, designed for IOT telemetry solutions. It is a low power device designed to operate on battery or mains power. The unit incorporates a Microchip Rn2483 (EU) or RN2903 (North America) LoRaWAN module that features a unique MAC ID.
In order to realize LoRaWAN systems a gateway with internet connectivity, an appropriately configured backend system to manage transmitted data and a front end to visualize and manage data are required.

This document describes in brief how to,
- setup 2 different models of LoRaWAN gateways,
- configure devices on the The Things network (TTN) backend.
- connect devices to Infinite’s cloud platform the WaT (web aided telemetry)
The Things Network backend runs an open Internet of Things infrastructure supported by a global ecosystem of thousands of developers, IT integrators, hardware manufacturers, universities and governments.
In order to successfully configure and register the device the user must prepare the following identification credentials,
- Device EUI (8 digit HEX) printed on a sticker inside the device
- Application EUI (8 digit HEX) acquired from the TTN platform
- Network Session Key (16 digit HEX) acquired from the TTN platform
- Net App Session Key (16 digit HEX) acquired from the TTN platform
- Device address (8 digit) acquired from the TTN platform
Read the complete case study at,